Sunday, May 6, 2007

Director's Commentary

This is my video with my commentary.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's a Man's World

Here's my EMAC video.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

See, I made a webpage! I DID!

This essay reminded me of something someone on some forum somewhere (if I remembered who, I would totally give them credit) said about the impact of the Internet on sexuality. He (I think it was a he) said that before the Internet, people with bizarre sexual fetishes were all alone. They were the only one who was into what they were into, and they didn’t know anyone else. But after the Internet came along, these people could meet other people, in other places, who were into the same things. So they got together to make forums and creepy websites. So now, if you’ve spent enough time on the web, you’ll probably have encountered, or heard about from other people, one or two of these. As a result, the knowledge of scat, vore, inflation, golden rain, and those people who think farts smell sexy is spread far beyond those who practice it.

Whether this is a good or a bad thing depends on who you ask.

Monday, February 12, 2007

This is so that the Blog exists.


I have such an overwhelming sense of power right now.